FREE Piano Video Lessons and Images

 Welcome to My Free Piano Video Lesson Page! I am Miss Carol! So Happy I can be your Piano Teacher. So Happy you are here with me! Okay! Let's get started!

I will be teaching out of this Book! All-In-One Course Book One! I love this Book! Instead of having 5 different Books, It is a combination of all of them. It's Awesome!  

Get one Awesome All-in-One Course  book of your very own!



Ready to be shipped today!

Please comment Below, Your comments are welcome! would love to learn to see who is learning from my lessons! Or even like them! Or any suggestions are welcome also.

Are you Ready for you first Lesson?
Let's get started!

Did you know your fingers have Numbers? They do when you are learning to play the piano! How exciting is that!

 Now! You get to do an activity! YEA! Please Go get a piece of blank paper then, trace your hands on a piece of paper and number them as does the picture below! Go for it! You can do It!

This is Page 4 in this book All in one.  Or Page 5 in the Lesson book Level A

Did you have fun Tracing your hands on a piece of paper and numbering them, Like the picture above? Yea! You did it! Great job! I knew you could do it! 

Now these hands have colored fingers! A different color for each finger! These will be in a game that I have created then can be shown to you in this video! I just cut out the little hands and made a guessing game! So have fun learning your first Lesson! You can learn your piano fingers! YEA! 

Did you have fun Learning the Piano Fingers? If you have, you are ready to learn about the Keyboard! You Ready? Here we go!

This is the Keyboard page 6 in All-in-one course, or page 6 in the Lesson Book Level A

Here is the next Lesson! The Key board page! Print it out and you can learn from this Keyboard page through this video right below! You are going to be taught about the 2 black keys! You ready! Let's go! Click and watch first, then play it again, then practice with it, and watch it again. We will be great at it once you apply yourself to it again and again.

Now that you have learned the 2 black Keys and had a lot of practice and you are very good at it!

Low Sounds and High Sounds

The Low Sounds and High Sounds Page 7 in All in one course 

Print the Low Sounds and High Sound Page above. Get ready to learn about the 3 black keys on the keyboard. 

You are ready for your piano video lesson. Watch it once or twice, and try to learn it with the video. Keep watching it until you have learned it! You can do!

Now that you have learned the 2 and 3 black keys on the Piano or a Keyboard.

It's time to play Mrs. Penguin Guessing Game! She has 2 penguins who are hungry and have different tastes of food. Can you please help her feed her penguins? I will be her assistant with your help. Have fun helping her feed her babies!

Now that you had fun with Mrs. Penquin  and helped feed her babies. 
It's time to learn about the Quarter Note!

Quarter Note Right and Left hand

It's time to learn to play on those 2 black keys and three black keys, getting your fingers warmed up and ready to get them in an exercise program. Here is your first finger and counting exercises.
This is on page 8 in all in one course or page 8 & 9 in the Lesson Book level A

Take your time in reviewing each video several times! I Hope I go slow enough for you so you can understand.

That was fun to learn about the quarter note and how many beats it gets! And you was able to play a little exercise song with your fingers, and clapped and sang the words to the song! Keep practicing and you will be a great piano player.

Half Note Left and Right Hands
This is On page 9 in all in one or page 10 & 11 in Lesson Book Level A

Now we are going to learn how to play a small exercise with the quarter note and the half note. If you need to play it again to remember how to learn go for it! You can do it!

Alright! You did it! That was a great exercise for the left and the right hand!

Merrily We Roll along 

This is page 10 in all in one course or page page 12 in Level A

In this video we are going to learn the first part of Merrily we roll along just with the left hand, and some steps to learn how to practice the page. Watch the video one or two times, keep reviewing and you will get it! Have Fun!

How did you do? I bet you picked it right up! You are great!

O'er the Deep Blue Sea
Now I will teach and demonstrate the whole note which is a looooog note!
This is page 11 in the All in one course or page 12 & 13 in the Lesson Book Level A

Get your tapping fingers and clapping hands ready! I am going to teach you to learn to count the quarter note, half note and the whole note all in this song! Click it once and watch first, then watch it again & again until you are great at it so you can move on to the next lesson!

How did you do? I bet you were a pro after 4 times! Take your time learning these videos!

Now in this video we are going to play a duet together!
Get your pages Merrily we roll along and O'er the deep blue sea song. It is all one song so have fun playing the duet with me.

Merrily We Roll along O'er the Deep Blue Sea Duet

I hope you enjoyed playing a duet with me! I had a great time!
Now it is time to learn to write and count the notes! No keyboard or piano required! Print this page or turn to your Afred's All in One course, page 12.

Here is a video to help you write stems to the notes and teach you where the bar lines go, and learn about double bar lines.

Writing Note stems and bar lines Video

Now that you had fun learning to draw notes with stems and know where to put the bar lines, you are ready to move on and learn to draw more notes and learn to count! You will be amazed how fast you will learn!

Time to count Video

Now that was fun! I hope you had fun too! Learning about 3 different notes and their value count, and learned to draw music with notes.

We are moving on to the next Page in our All in One Course Book One.
Page 14 or copy this page Below.

Let's have fun learning the Hand Bell Song, this part one is learning the left hand on the black keys and learning the Dynamic, soft and loud.

Hand Bells Part One

Here is the video that goes along with the page above. Please View the video 1 or 2 times then try to play along.  Start at the first until you get it` You can do it! You will be so awesome!

Hand Bells Video Part 1

Hand Bells Part 2

Here is page 15 in the book or just copy this page, Part 2 for the right hand.

Hand Bells Video Part 2

Now that you have learned Part 1 and 2 you can view the next video which will play Part 1 and 2 of hand bells. View the video 2 times until you can learn and play along with me.

Hand Bells Part 1 & 2

Hand Bells Video Part 1 & 2

Now that you have learned part 1 & 2, you can move on to the Duet part, where I play my part and sing your part. Hope you have fun learning this Duet and play along with me.  Have fun! You will be fantastic!

Hand Bells Part 3 Duet

Hand Bell Duet video

Yippi! You did it! You sure have the potential to learn the piano! You did great getting this far!

Now we will learn some DYNAMICS!
P for soft & F for Loud!


Dynamics Video Below

Wasn't that fun learning the soft and loud!

Now we have the privilege in learning These Dynamic in a song called

Echo Song Part 1

ECHO SONG Video Part 1
Just watch And listen first and see if you can write in the box P or F

Now you know how to listen to know where the soft and loud in the Echo Song are all about! You are so smart!. Now we will learn to play the song with the loud and soft Dynamics.

Watch first then try to play the echo song with me. It may take you a while to learn but as you keep practicing you will get it!

Echo Song Part 2

Echo Song Part 2 Video

I hope you have practiced diligently and learned the song. 

Now that you have learned to play with your finger numbers and switched from the left hand to the right hand and learned to play the left hand soft and the right hand loud.

You are ready to move on to learn to play with me with the Duet part of the Song. I will sing your part you need to play, and I will be playing my duet part. Keep practicing with this duet with me.

Echo song Part 3 Duet

Part 3 Duet Echo Song

If you practiced to the best of your ability to the duet and played along with me with the Echo song!
 I  Congratulate you! You Did it! Give your self a Pat on your back for doing an excellent Job!

 High 5!

Now it is time to learn a Christmas Song!

Jolly Old Saint Nicholas

Part One

Watch the video first until you can learn to play with the video and keep practicing it as often as you can, It may be hard at first, but you will get it! You will see! Your enthusiasm will pay off! Keep starting at the first as many times as it will permit you to learn.


Jolly Old Saint Nicholas Part one Video

Now that you have practiced the best you can and you think you are ready to move on! I give you my congrats to you! You made it through Part 1

Now you are ready to learn Part 2 of Jolly Old Saint Nicholas!

Jolly Old Saint Nicholas

Part 2

Print the page if needed

Start the video! Watch it first until you can learn to play with the song!

Jolly Old Saint Nicholas Part 2 Video

Now that you have learned the whole song Jolly Old Saint Nicholas both parts, and you feel confident you can play it totally!


Start the Video!

Watch it first, then start to see if you can play along with me as I play the Duet!


Part 3 Duet Jolly Old Saint Nicholas Video

Jolly Old Saint Nicholas is so Happy & Thrilled you have learned his song, and you practiced the best you could he may have a big surprise for you at the next Christmas!


Now it's Time to learn the Song  

Old McDonald Had a Farm

Part One

Please print the Song out or follow along in your Book page 21Now we are moving on to the video to show you how to play.Please view the video 2 times before you can start playing along with me.

Old McDonald Part One Video

Please practice this song several times until you can learn to switch Left hand to right hand, and saying your fingers numbers as you play and  then you can count the measures as you play also.

Now that you have learned the first page very well! I knew you could do it! It's time to move on to the second page of Old McDonald part 2.

This part will be so fun!

Now on this page we are learning the sound effects while playing on the black keys up the keyboard.
I will show you how in this video

Old McDonald Part 2 Video

Now wasn't that Fun! Something different! Did you enjoy play on  the black keys going up the Keyboard? I had fun! And had fun teaching you!

Please keep starting at the Beginning if you have a hard time playing! I know you will keep trying until you get it! YOU CAN DO IT!

Now that you have learned both part 1 and Part 2 it's time to move on to playing them both together to play one song.

Please view the video first and watch until you can play along with me.

 Now I will present the video to you.

Old McDonald Part 3

Please review the lesson video as many as times as needed!

So proud of you for getting this far! You have done so great!

Now that you have learned the whole song! 

We can continue with Part 4! We will be able to play a Duet together!

I am so Excited to accompany you as we play this Duet Together!

I will be singing your part as I play my duet part!

Old McDonald Part 4 Duet

Please review this as many times as you need to do it to learn this song! You are going to be a pro with this song! Pretty Soon you will be playing and singing with your family and Friends

You have done so well with all these video's it time to present to you your very own!


 You Graduated from the Free Piano Lesson Video page at

 Carol Little Beginner's Piano!

Thank you so much for viewing and learning from my Free Piano Lesson Video Page!


Here is your Certificate of Promotion, sign your name on the top row and put the date on the bottom by my name. It was a privilege to teach you! Look for other learning pages coming soon!

I can personalize your next piano lessons saying your name in the Video. Please send me your name and I will personalized the next lesson. @ 

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